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2 posts tagged with "orm"

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· 5 min read

Quarkus: Database Projection with Panache

Welcome back to the second installment of our exploration into Quarkus and Panache! In the previous blog post, we delved into setting default values for Panache entity fields. Now, as we continue refining the website with Quarkus integration, our primary focus shifts to implementing Database Projection with Panache.

Code Example on GitHub:

To accompany this discussion, I've published the complete code example on GitHub, providing you with a hands-on reference for learning and experimentation.

GitHub Repository: Learning Quarkus: Database Projection with Panache

Understanding the data model

For this illustrative example, we'll work with a straightforward data model consisting of two tables: 'boards' and 'brands.' The 'boards' table contains a list of windsurfing boards, while the 'brands' table serves as a reference, linked to the 'boards' table through a foreign key relationship.

Quarkus: Default Values for Panache Entity Fields

· 4 min read

Quarkus: Default Values for Panache Entity Fields

In the ever-evolving landscape of database technologies, my journey led me away from Java ORM projects for a decade, exploring the realms of NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Couchbase, Redis, and even HBase.

Recently, my focus shifted back to Java and, specifically, Quarkus. In this blog post, I'll share my experience migrating part of my site,, from MongoDB to PostgreSQL with Quarkus, highlighting how I tackled my first small challenge of setting default values for Panache entity fields.

Choosing Quarkus and Panache:

Having dabbled with Quarkus during my time at Red Hat in 2019, I decided to delve deeper into it for my personal projects. While familiar with using MongoDB directly with Node.js, working with Quarkus and RDBMS prompted me to opt for Hibernate ORM with Panache, a Quarkus extension offering a simplified and user-friendly API for Hibernate ORM.

I have published the code of this example on GitHub: