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· One min read

Allen Holub just published on SDTime an editorial named "The Terror of Code in the Wrong Hands". I like the description of the "software terrorist": the guy who stays up all night, unwittingly but systematically destroying the entire team’s last month’s work while “improving” the code. He doesn’t tell anybody what he’s done, and he never tests. He’s created a ticking time bomb that won’t be discovered for six months.

I am sure we all have a small list of co-worker that we put in this category... Hoping that I am not in yours :-)

· One min read

Back in France, and in Oracle consulting, I was very often called to present, introduce J2EE to Oracle Forms developers, since we all know that J2EE is the way to go!

Sue Harper and Grant Ronald have made this task easier by creating a specific OTN page for Oracle Forms and Designer Developers that are moving to J2EE.

This is also a subject that will be often discussed in the J2EE SIG that the different Oracle user groups ODTUG, IOUG,OAUG and Oracle have created.

I am sure that will be a very succesful subject during the next ODTUG (Oracle Developer Tools User Group) Conference mid june in New Orleans. During this event I am presenting 3 papers:

  • J2EE 1.4 Overview
  • Oracle Application Server 10g: Best Application Server for the Oracle Database
  • J2EE Persistence Using OracleAS TopLink ( will probably let our guru Doug Clarke doing it if he is coming...)

It is still time to register for this event, take a look to the agenda, this year will be a very good one !

· One min read

I have started to use on my Mac and PC the free HTML editor NVU, it is really a great product!

Key Features:

  • Multi Plaform: MacOS X, Linux, Windows... the project has been started by LinSpire... so not a big surprise
  • FTP Site manager
  • Good CSS Editor and Integration to the HTML Editor
  • Form Editing
  • Based on Gecko

Nothing revolutionnary compare with DreamWeaver or FrontPage.. except that it is still very powerfull and free...

I hope that some Open Source developers will take time to develop Dav Site management, Source Control integration, JSP Development (at least same as the PHP stuff it currently has...)

· One min read

Mike Keith, Oracle Toplink architect, persistence guru, and member of the EJB 3.0 Expert Group, gives an, in his last entry an overview of EJB 3.0, in the context of the comparison with Hibernate and especially explaining why the statement that we sometimes hear "EJB 3.0 is Hibernate" is wrong.

This blog entry as been selected as a news by The Server Side, titled "EJB 3.0 is not Hibernate" and is very active in term of comments/reaction, feel free to add yours there.

In the same time if you want to learn more about EJB 3.0 and start developing with it you can find infromation and EJB 3.0 container on OTN.

· 2 min read

As you can guess, when you work on a product it is always a pleasure to see good feedback, from end users, or from the media...

Tom Yager, from InfoWorld has published an article about Oracle Application Server 10g R2.

Here some of the comments:

“I’m extremely impressed with AS 10g Release 2 as a commercial product. Oracle has designed a valuable feature set built on top of J2EE 1.3, optimizing it for SOAs (service-oriented architectures), BPEL (Business Process Execution Language), BPM, pervasive support of XML, and real-time business intelligence, among many, many other things.”

“But I’m just as impressed with the clear emphasis Oracle has placed on complying not only with the letter of Java server standards, but with their “write once, run anywhere” spirit. You get to choose whether you want to bind yourself to Oracle’s extras. AS 10g Release 2 permits, and even automates, deployment to and management of non-Oracle Java app servers that adhere to the J2EE 1.3 standard. And if you do this, there are no subtle glitches meant to prod you toward paying for Oracle’s server.”

“After several weeks of living with AS 10g Release 2, I found that Oracle’s added value is nothing short of spectacular for enterprise applications and well worth paying for.”

“The myth of “write once, run anywhere” has been turned on its head. With AS 10g Release 2, Oracle has delivered on that age-old promise as well as a software giant can.”

Feel free to drop me comments about your experience with OracleAS 10g...

· One min read

Raghu just posted an interesting article asking the question "Does EJB 3.0 really make application development easy?".

So as you will see EJB 3.0 does simplify the development by reducing the number of source and descriptor files that you have to manipulate. (I won't go in the detail of the number of lines of Java or XML). What I really like about EJB 3.0 is not only the fact that Entity bean are POJOs, but also that now you can read the code and understand how the application is build, thanks to the annotations! I am sure that if you got the EJB 2.x genes you do not find them complex, but I did not have this mutation...

I am inviting you to download the Oracle EJB 3.0 Developer Preview to be more familiar with this technology.