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3 posts tagged with "cloud"

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· 7 min read

Quarkus: Simplifying Cloud File Uploads

In many projects, facilitating user uploads to cloud services is a common requirement. In my current project, I find myself inviting users to seamlessly upload various files, such as profile pictures, GPS track files, or session photos, to the site. To enhance my understanding, I've opted to employ multiple cloud providers —Microsoft Azure Blob Storage, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage— allowing me to test and compare their functionalities.

This article guides you through the process of:

  1. Creating a REST service for file uploads using RESTEasy Reactive in Quarkus.
  2. Uploading files to the cloud from a Quarkus application.

To complement this discussion, a complete code example is available on GitHub. This resource serves as a practical reference for learning and experimentation.

GitHub Repository: Quarkus: Uploading Image to the Cloud

· 7 min read


In this article, I will show you how to update Redis Enterprise on PCF and see how Redis Enterprise cluster will guarantee a service continuity using out of the box failover.

If you need a Cloud Foundry application that calls Redis automatically you can use this project simple-redis-spring-demo-pcf.

For this article, I will upgrade Redis Enterprise for PCF from the version v5.4.2400147 to the latest version, currently v5.4.40700169.

· 8 min read

As part of my on-boarding/training at RedisLabs I continue to play with the product, and I have decided today to install a local 3 nodes cluster of Redis Enterprise Software (RS); and show how easy is to move from a single node/shard database to a multi nodes highly available one.

Once your cluster is up & running, you will kill some containers to see how the system automatically fail-over to guarantee service continuity.

The deployment will look more or less like the schema below, (coming from RedisLabs documentation)

This is a perfect environment for learning, developing and testing your applications, but it is not supported in production; for production, you can use: