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5 posts tagged with "redis"

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· 7 min read

One of the most common use cases for Redis is to use it the database as a caching layer for your data, but Redis can do a lot more (I will publish new articles later)!

In this article, you will learn using a straightforward service, how to cache the result on some REST API calls to accelerate the data access, and also reduce the number of calls to external services.

For this example, I am using the "Redis Movie Database" application, a microservice-based application that I created to showcase and explain various features of Redis and Redis Enterprise.

· 6 min read

In this article, I will explain how to secure your Redis databases using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). In production, it is a good practice to use SSL to protect the data that are moving between various computers (client applications and Redis servers). Transport Level Security (TLS) guarantees that only allowed applications/computers are connected to the database, and also that data is not viewed or altered by a middle man process.

You can secure the connections between your client applications and Redis cluster using:

  • One-Way SSL: the client (your application) get the certificate from the server (Redis cluster), validate it, and then all communications are encrypted
  • Two-Way SSL: (aka mutual SSL) here both the client and the server authenticate each other and validate that both ends are trusted.

In this article, I will focus on the Two-Way SSL, and using Redis Enterprise.

· 7 min read


In this article, I will show you how to update Redis Enterprise on PCF and see how Redis Enterprise cluster will guarantee a service continuity using out of the box failover.

If you need a Cloud Foundry application that calls Redis automatically you can use this project simple-redis-spring-demo-pcf.

For this article, I will upgrade Redis Enterprise for PCF from the version v5.4.2400147 to the latest version, currently v5.4.40700169.

· 8 min read

As part of my on-boarding/training at RedisLabs I continue to play with the product, and I have decided today to install a local 3 nodes cluster of Redis Enterprise Software (RS); and show how easy is to move from a single node/shard database to a multi nodes highly available one.

Once your cluster is up & running, you will kill some containers to see how the system automatically fail-over to guarantee service continuity.

The deployment will look more or less like the schema below, (coming from RedisLabs documentation)

This is a perfect environment for learning, developing and testing your applications, but it is not supported in production; for production, you can use:

· 8 min read

As you may have seen, I have joined Redis Labs a month ago; one of the first task as a new hire is to learn more about Redis. So I learned, and I am still learning.

This is when I discovered Redis Streams. I am a big fan of streaming-based applications so it is natural that I start with a small blog post explaining how to use Redis Streams and Java.

What is Redis Streams?

Redis Streams is a Redis Data Type, that represents a log so you can add new information/message in an append-only mode (this is not 100% accurate since you can remove messages from the log). Using Redis Streams you can build "Kafka Like" applications, what I mean by that you can:

  • create applications that publish and consume messages (nothing extraordinary here, you could already do that with Redis Pub/Sub)
  • consume messages that are published even when your client application (consumer) is not running. This is a big difference with Redis Pub/Sub
  • consume messages starting a specific offset, for example, read the whole history, or only new messages

In addition to this, Redis Streams has the concept of Consumer Groups. Redis Streams Consumer Groups, like Apache Kafka ones, allows the client applications to consume messages in a distributed fashion (multiple clients), providing an easy way to scale and create highly available systems.

Enroll in the Redis University: Redis Streams to learn more and get certified.

Sample Application

The redis-streams-101-java GitHub Repository contains sample code that shows how to

  • post messages to a streams
  • consume messages using a consumer group